Once upon a time…
I was nobody
Sometimes I felt hopeless
By kept repeating the same old mistakes
Over and over again
Then suddenly, I’m somebody.
I’ve proved to the world that
I can do many things and succeed
Now the feeling of comfort fills my heart.
Yes, I’m somebody…
I’m superb, I’m great…
Somehow, the pride took its way in me
And I’ve lost it because of my arrogance
Then, again…
I’m nobody…
But that voice fills my heart.
“ You’re special to ME. You’re the apple of MY eyes.”
Really? Do YOU think so?
If You really think so, then why did those bad things happen to me?
If You really love me, how could You make me feel the lost again?
Then suddenly, the new understanding came to my mind…
Like a light that shines so bright along my long journey of thinking
Yes, I’m special…To experience the unpleasant things
Only to find that I’m nobody without You, Lord.
If I want to be somebody…
Let me be somebody in YOU.
Not with my pride nor with my strength.
But, with Your Grace, You enable me to become somebody…
So that everybody can see Your grace and goodness in me.
Yes, I’m somebody in Christ.
Yes, everybody will see Him more, and see me less.
Even I think that I’m nobody,
He still thinks that I’m special.
Thanks to You, Lord.
SG, 24-25 July 2010
* ReSiPI: rubrik yang asalnya adalah Renungan Singkat Penyegar Iman, diusahakan konsisten tiap Senin muncul. Singkat-padat-membawa penyegaran bagi setiap insan yang rindu akan DIA. ReSiPI juga bisa merupakan kata yang mirip dengan RECIPE (dalam Bahasa Inggris, berarti: RESEP) yang moga-moga bisa menjadi RESEP kita agar bisa dengan tenang melangkah dalam hidup bersama-Nya apa pun yang terjadi:) Amin.